Eureka 7

Eureka Seven Scores:
1. Animation/Character Design 10
2. Story 9
3. Performance/Soundtrack 10
Animation/Character Design:
The character design is fantastic! It is a melting of retro-disco/rockin' surfer. From Matthuei in his short shorts, to Ray and Charles in their disco garb, the outfits in this anime are very ifferent from what we've seen before. Holland's fannypack, for example, makes a great statement. It makes wearing a fannypack seem very cool.
Holland and Renton's characters are reminiscent of Alex Row and Claus from Last Exile, and ironically, they are voiced by Crispin Freeman and Johnnny Young Bosch respectively. Eureka Seven itself has alot in common with Last Exile. The both have that older man "mentoring" to a younger boy. They both take place in the sky. And they are both searching for something. Renton and Claus both lost thier fathers and Holland and Alex are both looking fortheir love, kind of. Alex thought Euris died, but in the episodde when he taks with Vincent he says sh'e still searching for her. Holland has no clue where Diane is, but both men have women who love them -Talho and Sophia.
Talho is a very unique female character, ans she undergoes a dramatic change. I love how she cut her hair and changed her clothes. Speaking of hair, the hairstyles in Eureka seven are very different from other animes. The bangs are the rest of the hair seems to pull away from the face, yet still frame it perfectly (ex: Dewey's
subordinates, Talho). And the hair changes throughout the series, for example: Talho, Eureka, Renton. I especially love Jobs's lack of hair. he is one of my favorite characters and he definately needs more screentime. his design was also one of my favorites. I love his glasses, his clothes, his bald head, and I especially loved the way he always crosses his legs when he sits.
When it comes to animation, Eureka is one of the best. The coloring is vivid and refreshing. The path of the missiles and the trapper waves are extremely creative and lots of fun to watch. It adds alot to the visual quality, and the pleasure of watching anime. Also the world of Eureka Seven fantastic! i love the idea of trappers, skyfish, coralian - it's all very intriguing and extremely entertaining. you cannot get bored watching Eureke Seven. Also, it has alot of brown people in it that are there throughout the show and have an important role.
The story is phenomenal! The carry the surfer/70's theme throughout. Moondoggie and Gidget are named after the movie "Gidget" and Talho, Ray, and Charles's disco-like clothes. The plot involving the coralions, Dewey and the military, and the Gekko State is so intense. Eureke Seven did a great job of purposefully holding back alot of really important information about the plot and the intentions of people(mostly Holland and Dewey). you're not sure who's the good guy and who's the bad guy until well over half way through the series. The plot twists with Dewey and Holland, Holland and Diane, Dewey and Talho, Adrock and spellbinding! you never know what to expect next. That's one of the things I love about this anime. I;ll sit, and get ready to watch it, preparing for the worst, and the membes of the Gekko end up playing soccer. It's great! i love it!
Another aspect I really love about Eureka Seven is the way the characters grow and change. I love how other character are kept hidden - like Anemone's motives and what she really thinks of what's happening around her. Sometimes I think she's scared of Dewey, or in love with him -- you can't really tell. not knowing just makes me want to watch more so I can see what the truth really is.
The writing and the dialogue are wonderful! Everything and everyone is in sync. There's never a moment in this anime when things seem strained or fake. It's the best!!!! There's never adull episode. the story and the people and the development are perfect!
The soundtrack of Eureka Seven is one of my favorites! All the opening and ending songs in perfect sync with what's going on in the anime. i love the techno/pop/rock blends of the music really set the stage for the story to unfold to its utmost.
When it comes to the voice performances I can honestly, Eureka is one of the few animes where the English language counterpart is equal if not better than the original Japanese. Crispin Freeman does an amazing job as Holland. his voice conveys the emotions and expressions of his character perfectly. There is nevera moment when Crispin seems off or fake. No one in the cast has this problem. They all do an amazing. Johnny Young Bosch also does an amazing job as renton. Renton goes through alot of emotions. He's angry, irritated, unsure, upset, whiney - and Johnny does a great job of conveying all of those emotions. Also, Stephanie Sheh, Kate Higgins, Dave Mallow, Dave Witttenberg, Kari Walgren, Patrick Seitz - and everyone else whose names i can't all write, all did an AMAZING job. The dubb of Eureka Seven is flawless!

Written By: Stephanie
Labels: Anime
Eureka seveN - Run video animation
Here, here. Eureka Seven is BY FAR the most amazing anime I have ever watched. It's my complete favorite show!=D
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