Jacon 2007

JACON 2007
jacon stands for Japanese Anime CONvention ,is a anime convention help every year in International drive around the end of spring. Is pretty much like every other anime convention out there. I wouldnt say its the best in o-town but its defenetly better than other Con's. We went on saturday which is the most eventful day of the whole convention. Since the moment we go there we were flooded by teenagers and young adults dressed as their favorite anime,manga or game character. One thing which i didnt like was the price since it was increased by $5.00 dollars since last year. Aside from that, the convetion was very well organized but i thought that there was a time during the day that was wasteful since nothing good started untill 2 or 3 so we had to kill time in the stores while anything good was on, which i guess is one of their plans ,since they ultimately want to make money. The activities were fun and creative. For example, i had never played anime pictionary before, but it was defenetly a fun expirience. There were rooms with new unseen anime from japan. There was also a huge gaming room which included popular japanese games like Soul Caliber and the Para Para dance game. There was also a few cosplay contests like in every other anime con. There was also a panel about japanese music, which displayed music videos from Japan. Sadly enough,most of the music videos that were played were by bands that the host liked, which is something that i personally didnt agree with because i thought that she should have talked or aT least showed from music videos from the hot top selling artsits at the moment. instead she showed videos from plastic tree and miyavi, which she had already shown in past cons. I think that next time she should be better informed at japanese music. She wasnt prepared and ended up showing old videos that she had shown before. She changed it abit by showing some boy bands unlike past cons which were full of nothing but Jrock when everyone knows in Japan pop is more popular than Rock. She lacked in showing female singers, as if Japan didnt had any....weird huh? anyways enough of that. There was also Kareoke but sadly we didnt get to stay for that since we had to leave rather early, although once u have been to a kareoke bar, u've been to them all. In conclusion JACON is a great convention to go to, the stores and great and you can buy lots of goodies. i guess you can enjoy this places if you are abigger anime fan than me since i am more into japanese music than anime nowadays. So next year try it out, is an awesome expirience and you can get to meet some really cool people! :)

fma fans




gun blade

sailor scouts

ouron high

princess peach + Fifi

cool hats that can be found here-> Mad Hatters

one piece

paranoia agent + ff7

fma fans




gun blade

sailor scouts

ouron high

princess peach + Fifi

cool hats that can be found here-> Mad Hatters

one piece

paranoia agent + ff7

Posted By: Will and Amanda
Labels: Events
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