Power Rangers Mystic Force

This specific season of Power Rangers deals with lots and lots of magic. What initiates the transformation of five normal teens into five powerful sorcerer rangers, is the unleashing of an army of the Undead that's lead by this powerful dude named Morticon.
Due to these powerful foes endangering man-kind (like always), a good sorceress named Udonna finds five normal teenagers to become the Power Rangers Mystic Force and to fight the Undead army. The rangers train and practice their magic at a secret magical place named "Rootcore", which is basically a big tree whose entrance resembles a dragon's mouth. As the rangers grow as individuals and all that good stuff they gain new magical spells to assist them in their battles against the powers of evil.
All together I have to admit this season of Power Rangers is way better than the Mighty Morphin Power Rangers I grew up with. The fight scenes are better choreographed and the story plots are more imaginative. Did I mention the yellow ranger is a guy with red hair? (my favorite ranger).
One aspect that hasn't changed are the crappy monsters they battle. Yea, the costumes look better but they lack the ability to move their mouths when they talk and that just bugs me. With technology today, you can't make a monster move his mouth?
In all, Power Rangers Mystic Force is not a total waste of time. It's fun for kids and if you like this sort of thing then knock yourself out. I know I enjoy watching it while I eat breakfast.
And just in case you wondered what Japanese Power Rangers looked like:
Rating: Okay

Who said Power Rangers weren't cool?
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