Spider-Man 3

Spider-Man 3 was a good movie. Out of the super-hero genre of movies, the Spider-Man movies especially had some good stories and visuals. That said, Spider-Man 3 had the most action out of any super-hero movie I have seen thus far. The long-awaited introduction of Gwen Stacy in the movies was well done, even if she should be dead at this point in the movie timeline. (Gwen Stacy pwns Mary Jane in SM3).
IMO, it's my love for the character that puts the movies and a lot of things Spider-Man related in very high regard. Now, the movie wasn't without its faults. If it wasn't for Sam Raimi, Spider-Man 3 would have been a disaster on the scale of X-Men: The Last Stand or Batman and Robin. Some go as far to call SM3, Batman and Robin 2, but I wouldn't. Like I said to you before, "In Raimi We Trust", and I think he delivered. Sure you wouldn't see Sandman and Venom working together, but the whole idea and scenes were very classic comic book moments. Whether Harry Osborn would have teamed-up with Spider-Man against some enemies is something I can't answer, because I didn't get to read the books before the character died in the pages of Amazing Spider-Man. The idea was still very cool, yet annoying.
The villain of the day was definetly Sandman. Powers and visuals beat anything that Venom could muster in SM3. Venom is a very cool character, but like in the comics, he gets really old really quick. Its a good thing he died a bitch death.
There are several plot holes throughout the movie, mostly in Peter/MJ relationship, but I guess that leaves room for the next movie.
That's my official review, and I'm sorry it's so long. Ha. Blame me for being a comic book fan.
Posted By: Nico (Guest Writer)
Labels: American Movies
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